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The history of Lviv National Agrarian University

The history of Lviv National Agrarian University (LNAU) dates back to January, 9, 1856 when the Dublyany Tillage School was set up under the patronage and sponsorship of the Galicia Economic Society. Documents of that time witness that the aim of the School and other agricultural academic institutions of that time was to enlarge the number of farmsteads which would study and apply the laws of Nature The school became the secondary professional educational establishment with some traits of higher schooling aimed at further improvement of agricultural production applying scientific experiments and research.

The school started training skilled practical farmers able to operate on big-sized farmsteads. It was the time when the foundation of the future agrarian science and education in Galicia was laid.

Dublyany School realities of the early period showed that the level of theoretical and practical training of specialists in those conditions could not meet the requirements of agricultural production and, therefore, the campaign on reforming agrarian education was launched in the region. In 1878 the Dublyany Tillage School became public. In 1890 it was granted the status of higher educational institution.

In that period new educational buildings, a hostel and auxiliary premises were built. Research fields as well as metereological, mechanical, seed-control, cultivation, chemical and tillage stations started functioning. The Botanic Garden was enlarged and enriched with rare varieties of plants. A number of training and research laboratories were founded. In addition, the Primary agricultural school and the School of distillers were functioning at the Higher School of that period.

In 1901 the school was granted the status of Academy according to the resolution of Minister of Agriculture of Austria and Hungary. The Departments of Tillage and Crop Growing, Agrarian Administration and Rural Engineering were the first to be established at the Academy. Simultaneously, the Station of Agricultural Machinery Testing as well as the building for Chemistry classes and pavilion of mechanization were built.

A number of scientific schools were set up on the basis of the Academy which were highly recognized in Europe. The graduates became eminent personalities in the region whose scholarly results became well-known throughout the country and abroad. Thus, the Academy became one of the leading centers of agrarian philosophic ideas and education in Eastern and Western Galicia.

The World War I hampered the research and schooling process in Dublyany. In 1918-1919, during the period of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic (ZUNR) the Academy became a home for soldiers of the Ukrainian Galician Army (UGA) .

The fact that western Ukraine became a part of Poland had a negative influence on the schooling process in Dublyany. The school managing staff had to solve a lot of serious problems connected with a number of students, school premises, construction works, etc. Therefore, the staff of the Academy made a decision to join one of the higher educational establishments of Lviv. Thus, the Academy lost its autonomy and became a structural unit of the University "Lvivska Politechnika". The Academy changed its status and became the Tillage and Forestry Faculty of the University “Lvivska Politechnika”.

In spite of the inter-war unfavorable conditions (the Great Global Economic Depression; national and social problems) the Dublyany scholarly centre as a structural unit of the University "Lvivska Politechnika" managed to enrich its academic and methodological potential and to level the global achievements of that time.

In 1929-1934 the eminent public and political figure of Ukraine Stepan Bandera studied at the Faculty (this fact has been noted in the high relief and the monument).

In 1939, when the World War II began and the western Ukraine became a part of the Soviet Union, all higher educational establishments of Galicia underwent a great change. In 1939 the University "Lvivska Politechnika" was renamed into Lviv Polytechnic Institute. From 1939 to 1941 the Tillage and Forestry Faculty still functioned at the Institute.

In the inter-war period the students' social structure changed considerably. The number of students from poor peasants' and workers' families increased considerably. Though 90-95% of them were Poles, lecturers and students of Ukrainian origin supported the ideas of both national equality and national consciousness.

In fact, all Lviv educational institutions stopped their activities during the period of German occupation.

After the World War II the Tillage and Forestry Faculty of Lviv Polytechnic Institute resumed its work. The new productive forces in Western Ukraine demanded greater variety of agricultural specialities. As a result, on September 30, 1946 Lviv Agricultural Institute was founded according to the decree of the Ministry of Higher Schooling of Ukraine.

Year by year, a number of new faculties (the Faculty of Agronomy, the Faculty of Farm Mechanization, the Faculty of Land Surveying, the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Rural Architecture and Civil Engineering) were set up at the Institute.

In the 60-s of the 20th century new educational buildings, a canteen, consumer service establishment, multi-storied blocks of flats and a Students' campus were built in Dublyany. Gradually, the Institute moved to Dublyany.

The events of national liberation of the late 80-s and the early 90-s of the 20th century in Ukraine had their profound influence on the educational process at the Institute. On September, 1, 1990 the main building of the Institute was decorated with the national (blue and yellow) flag.

On September 5, 1996 according to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Lviv State Agrarian Institute acquired the status of a University with the title of Lviv State Agrarian University.

On March 24, 2008 according to the decree of the President of Ukraine Lviv State Agrarian University acquired the status of National with the title of Lviv National Agrarian University.