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The faculty of building and architecture

During the last four decades the Faculty of Farm Building and Architecture of Lviv National Agrarian University is the only center in Ukraine in which training of` architects and builders for the agrarian sphere is provided. Graduates of the Faculty work at organizations and enterprises of agrarian sector of our state solving the problems of Ukrainian village. Practical knowledge of complex housing system of village and positive opinions affirm the high professional level of our graduates, their ability to take into account peculiarity of rural building engineering, village planning and regulation.

Professional training of students is provided by four departments: Architecture and Planning of Rural Settlements, Building Constructions, Design of Architectural Environment of Rural Settlements, Technologies and Building Organization. 7 professors (Doctors of Sciences, PhD), among them 5 academicians, and 32 assistant professors (Candidates of Sciences, PhD) provide education for students. The Faculty staff cooperates actively with well-known building and architecture schools of Austria, Germany, Canada, England, Slovakia, Poland, Latvia, Russia and also with Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP), International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP), Institute of Experiments East-West (IEWS). The Faculty also cooperates with scientific and research, designing and constructing institutions of the region.

Present time sets new tasks before architects and builders. There is a great demand for our graduates.  A soul and talent of architect and builder live in their creations.