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Department of Economic Theory


The Department of Economic Theory was established in 1947. The main task of this Department is studying key problems of economic theory and forming thorough knowledge in future specialists.

The Heads of the Department were assistant professor R. K. Kadyuk (1947-1952), assistant professor O.N. Savchuk (1953-1958), assistant professor P. Kh. Tuhay (1959-1966), professor S.D. Dzyubyk (1966-1973), professor M.M. Pavlyshenko (1974-2004), professor F.V. Gorbonos (2004-2009). Nowdays the Department is headed by Candidate of Economics “(PhD), acting assistant professor I.O.Korchynskyy.

Complex scientific subject of the Department is “Theoretical principles of integration processes in Agribusiness.”

The Department provides training of the following subjects:

§        History of Economics and Economic (conception)

§        The Principles of Economic Theory

§        Political Economy

§        Microeconomics

§        Macroeconomics

§        National Economics


Korchynskyy I.O. – Candidate of Economics (PhD), acting assistant professor

Mahiyovych R.I.- Candidate of Economics (PhD), acting assistant professor

Krupa V.R. – senior teacher

Vasylyna O.R. - Candidate of Economics (PhD), acting assistant professor

Lyndyuk A.O. - Candidate of Economics (PhD), acting assistant professor

Lypchuk N.V. - Candidate of Economics (PhD), senior teacher

Kolach S. M. - Candidate of Economics, senior teacher

Zelisko N.B.- Candidate of Economics (PhD), senior teacher

Didych Z.A. - senior teacher

Nesterovych A.V.- assistant

Kirzhetska O.M. – senior laboratory assistant

Melnyk N.I.- laboratory assistant