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Department of Finance and Credit


The Department was established in 1999. The Department is headed by Candidate of Economics (PhD), assistant professor S. M. Onysko.

Staff of the Department

Onysko S.M. – head of the Department, Candidate of Economics (PhD), assistant professor

Hrytsyna O.V. - Candidate of Economics (PhD), assistant professor

Marych P.M. - Candidate of Economics (PhD), assistant professor

Tofan I.M. - Candidate of Economics (PhD), assistant professor

Sholudko O.V. - Candidate of Economics (PhD), assistant professor

Rubai O.V. - Candidate of Economics (PhD), acting assistant professor

Sadura O.B. - Candidate of Economics (PhD), acting assistant professor

Verzun A.A. - Candidate of Economics (PhD), acting assistant professor

Syniavska L.V. - Candidate of Economics (PhD), acting assistant professor

Kovaliv V.M. - Candidate of Economics (PhD), acting assistant professor

Buhil S.Ya. -  Candidate of Economics (PhD), acting assistant professor

Kolodii A.V. - Candidate of Economics (PhD), senior teacher

Kordoba O.M. - Candidate of Economics (PhD), senior teacher

Bohach M.M. - senior teacher

Tomashevskyi Yu.M. -  senior teacher

Skhidnytska H.V. - senior teacher

Hrubinka I.I. – assistant

Tomiuk H.M. - assistant

Nechai N.V. - assistant

Vozniuk A.O. - assistant

Hrynyk O.I. - assistant

Sodoma R.I. - assistant

Oliinyk Ya.P. – head of the laboratory

Slotvinska H.B. – senior laboratory assistant

Ahres O.H. - laboratory assistant

Directions of development

-         high-quality educational process;

-         organization of work of students at production, studies at branches of the Department, which are situated in the Index Bank, Privatebank and others;

-         modern types of active studies (seminars, trainings, business games) allow to work over real situation;

-         participation of students and teachers at international scientific and methodological conferences;

-         development of methodological pointing about  study of disciplines, organization of independent work, evaluation of students according to ECTS system, tests “Moodle” ;

-         Motivation system of student’s scientific work, participation of students in the international and national scientific students conferences and olimpiads;

-         Proper educator work according to plans of educational part of LNAU and dean’s offices;

-         expansion of collaboration with scientists from different countries with an aim to common research of actual problems;

-         publication of scientific work of the Department in Ukrainian and Foreign  scientific magazines;

-         development  of educational-methodological materials, printing of educational books.

The Department supports active relations with agricultural formations, regional financial administrations, control-revision management, state tax administration and state treasury, insurance companies, banks and universities of Ukraine.