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Innovative center

The main object of LNAU Innovation center functioning is to secure the effective link of agricultural education and science with production, improvement of work conditions and standard of living of workers, environmental protection.

The chief tasks of Innovation center functioning are the introduction of scientific and technical achievements progress in basic, remade and operating industry of agricultural production through:

1. Elaboration of strategic, operative plans, business plans of development of company and rural areas.

2.   Furnishing of consulting services to agricultural producers.

3. Training of farmers, managers and specialists of private agricultural companies and village residents of agribusiness skill.

4.  Realization of the international programs of post privatization assistance of agricultural companies’ development in the region.

Main directions of the center activity:

1. Technologically innovative:

a) providing connection of agricultural producers with educational and   research institutes, experimental stations, research laboratories etc. with introduction of achievements in science in production;

b) generalizing experience of application of new industry technologies and agricultural processing of production in the region;

c) manufacture advertising of high-quality sowing material and young plants;

d) search of alternative sorts of  enterprise in village;

e) study and spreading of research results which were conducted on experimental fields of the University, technical colleges, progeny tests stations, model farms.

2. Informational advisory:

a) furnishing of various consultations which concern farming introduction of new sorts development, means of  plants defence, fertilizers, technologies;

b) furnishing of  consultations to farmers and specialists and farming managers concerning elaboration of strategic plans of  free enterprise development;

c) furnishing of  consultations and practical assistance to farmers in elaboration of business plans;

d) collecting and spreading of modern marketing information about the level of market price; price database  creating; demand and supply of markets; price prediction on the market of agrarian production and physical resources.

3. Educational:

a) organization of exhibitions, seminars, conferences, days of the field etc. which concern modern industry technologies and agricultural processing of production;

b) conducting of broadened and short-term training for farmers, owners of personal subsidiary farms concerning to application of modern industry technologies of agricultural crops growing conducted on experimental fields of the university, technical colleges, progeny tests stations, model farms.

c) organization of enterprise trainings for farmers;

d) organization of training for agricultural producers outside the institution in such forms as courses, seminars, conferences, controlled self-education etc.;

e) leadership training of farmers  and owners of personal subsidiary farms;

f) elaboration of syllabuses and qualification tasks;

g) conducting of application demonstration of new means of mechanization and automatization of production, preservation and agricultural processing of production;

h) farmers training of accounting methodology in farms.

Working experience of Innovation center of Lviv National Agrarian University confirms the great importance of such subordinate unit for the development of agrarian sector of the region. LNAU scientists through the Innovation center actively cooperate with companies which secure the functioning of agricultural production; public institutions, State Inspectorate, international projects, provincial and regional farmers’ associations, Lviv center of economic, scientific and technical information etc. The results of this cooperation are scientific and practical conferences and seminars, field days, round tables and others.