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Department of Statistics and Analysis


Department of Statistics and Analysis was established in 1971 as a result of division of the Department of Accounting, Finance and Statistics. At the beginning it was small having 6 teachers in its staff (P.M.Radchenko, Yu.M.Zavaliyenko, Z.I.Solomin, R.I.Trynko, V.A.Shkil, M.I.Yatskiv).

Since 2005 the Department is headed by Doctor of Economics, professor V.V.Lypchuk.

During the last 5 years teachers of the Department published 170 articles, 2 manuals, 10 monographs.

The Department has connections with scientists of Universities in Lviv, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Kamyanets-Podilskyy, Hungary, Poland, and Czech Republic.

Subjects, taught by the teachers of the Department are fundamental for training all specialists of economics. They are the following ones:

-         Statistics

-         Economic analysis

-         Analysis of economic activity

-         Financial analysis

-         Project analysis

-         Methodology of economic researches

-         Theory of economic analysis

-         Economic analysis of production systems

-         Strategic analysis


Lypchuk V.V. – Doctor of Economics (PhD), professor, head of the Department

Yatsiv I.B. – Candidate of Economics (PhD), assistant professor

Voronyy I.V. - Candidate of Economics (PhD), assistant professor

Bilyak N.I. - Candidate of Economics (PhD), acting assistant professor

Lysyuk O.V. - Candidate of Economics (PhD), senior teacher

Krupa O.M. - Candidate of Economics (PhD), senior teacher

Andrushko A.M. - Candidate of Economics (PhD), senior teacher

Berezivska O.Y. - Candidate of Economics (PhD), senior teacher

Hrynyshyn H.M. - senior teacher

Kuzyo R.M. – assistant

Shuvar B.I. – assistant

Ftoma O.V. – assistant

Malakhovskyy D.V. – assistant

Mytsyk L.S. – senior laboratory assistant

Korobkova M.P. - senior laboratory assistant

Boyko H.Ya. – laboratory assistant